Salad tastes with the right dressing! Fresh leafy salads taste particularly good in summer. Add lemon juice, add salad dressing. Mix well and enjoy.


3 tbsp vinegar
½ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp sugar
1 ½ mustard paste
3 tbsp mayonnaise
3 tbsp jogurt
3 tbsp ketchup
¼ paprika powder
¼ cayenne pepper powder
2 tbsp red capsicum (fine cubes)
some chives
2 tbsp mustard oil
3 EL Essig
½ TL schwarzer Pfeffer
¼ TL Salz
¼ TL Zucker
1 ½ Senf
3 EL Mayonnaise
3 EL Joghurt
3 EL Ketchup
¼ Paprikapulver
¼ Cayennepfeffer
2 EL roter Paprika (Stückchen)
etwas Schnittlauch
2 EL Öl

Try salad dressing by yummy food desires with fresh mix salad. How to make healthy salad see in video below: