Try this macaroni bolognese prepared with macaroni and juicy meat sauce that consists of minced meat mixed with sour-sweet tomatoes, and seasoned with herbs and chilli flakes, rich in parmesan cheese for those who love this type of cheese.


1 onion
30 ml cooking oil
1 garlic clove
500 g minced meat
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp basil
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp thyme
salt to taste
1 pinch of of sugar
1 tsp chili flakes
250 ml canned tomatoes
250 ml water
500 g boiled macaroni noodles (in water with 1 tbsp olive oil & 1 tbsp salt)
parmesan cheese
1 tbsp frehs parsley

1 Zwiebel
30 ml Speiseöl
1 Knoblauchzehe
500 g Hackfleisch
1 EL Tomatenpaste
1 EL Basilkum
1 TL Oregano
1 TL Rosmarin
1 TL Thymian
1 Prise Zucker
1 TL Chiliflocken
250 ml Dosentomaten
250 ml Wasser
500 g gekochte Macaroninudel (in Wasser mit 1 EL Olivenöl und 1 EL Salz)
Parmesan Käse
1 EL frische Petersilie